Coming Up: What’s on in November
From random acts of kindness and making a noise about bullying to a 24-hour detox from consumerism, we take a look at November’s noteworthy campaigns, new books and dates for your diary.
Autumn leaves flatlay


Kindness Day UK (November 13)
Kindness – noun: The quality of being generous, helpful, and caring about other people, or an act showing this quality.

Kindness Day UK encourages acts of kindness, with the goal of making kindness a greater part of everyday life. The day is organised by Kindness UK, a not-for-profit organisation that promotes the benefits of kindness to health, wellbeing, community, nature and the environment.

Anti-Bullying Week (November 13-17)
Anti-Bullying Week kicks off with Odd Socks Day on Monday November 13, when adults and children are encouraged to wear odd socks to celebrate uniqueness and individuality. The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’.

World Philosophy Day (November 16)
“By awakening minds to the exercise of thinking and the reasoned confrontation of opinions, philosophy helps to build a more tolerant, more respectful society.” – UNESCO

World Philosophy Day is a collective exercise in free, reasoned and informed thinking. It takes place each year on the third Thursday of November.

Buy Nothing Day  (November 24)
Timed to coincide with Black Friday, Buy Nothing Day is a 24-hour detox from consumerism that aims to encourage people to consume less. The campaign is designed to raise awareness about the environmental and ethical issues linked to the way we shop.

National Tree Week (November 25 – December 3)
Each year, the conservation sector, volunteer groups and tree lovers come together to plant thousands of trees as part of the UK’s largest celebration of trees. If you’d like to get involved, you can download The Tree Council’s guide to planting trees and hedges, which includes lots of helpful tips and information.


Slow Seasons by Rosie Steer book cover imageSlow Seasons by Rosie Steer
As the nights draw in, Slow Seasons is a comforting read that draws on the twin forces of nostalgia and nature. It’s full of seasonal craft ideas, recipes and celebrations inspired by the author’s childhood memories and ancient Celtic traditions that mark the solstices, equinoxes and their rough midpoints. Published by Bloomsbury (£16.99) – out now.

Why Our Minds Wander by Arnaud Delorme
“By becoming more aware of our thought patterns and behaviours, we can learn to identify and manage mind wandering, leading to increased self-awareness and wellbeing.”

Arnaud Delorme has been studying human consciousness for 20 years. In his new book, he delves into the very nature of thought, exploring questions such as where our thoughts come from and whether we are our thoughts. He shares techniques, such as meditation and mindfulness, that can help us to detect mind wandering and tame our minds. Published by Welbeck Balance on November 9 (£12.99).