Self-Care for Winter: Infuse Your Day with Colour
By Suzy Reading
In this extract from her new book, Suzy Reading suggests some simple ways to spark seasonal joy and draw more precious winter light and colour into your life.
Self-Care for Winter by Suzy Reading, Styled Book cover image

How to infuse your day with colour
Just as you can accent your home with strategically placed light, you can use a pop of colour in your decorating to make your environment feel more nourishing. From a bowl of winter flower bulbs to artwork, soft furnishings or even your favourite mug, choose the tones that lift your spirits and consider allowing some seasonal variation.

Blues and green might feel cooling in the summer, but in winter, think of the colours you might be feeling deprived of – yellows, oranges, reds and pinks – for their warming properties. Avoid anything that you find heavy or dull.

You can wear colour you love to lift your mood, too. Identify a few pieces in your wardrobe that bring you joy or add a slick of colour that makes your heart sing on your lips, your fingertips, a scarf or bag.

Practices to harness light & colour
Here is some quick, accessible inspiration to draw more of that precious winter light and colour into your life.

Botanical designSun meditation: When the sun is making her glorious appearance, get more than just your dose of vitamin D, use it to fill your energy bank. Take a walk or sit on a bench and bask in her rays, getting to know first-hand the joy of “apricity”, the warmth of the winter sun. If it resonates and it’s safe to do so, close your eyes and imagine there is a cord directly from the sun, attached to the crown of your head. Feel the transfusion of light coming straight to you from her rays, filling you up.
Repeat the mantra: “I keep turning my face to the light. She will always find me”.

Morning daylight walk: Take a 20-minute walk ideally in the morning for maximal benefit for circadian rhythm regulation. This will help you feel more alert during the day and drowsier when it is time to sleep at night. Avoid wearing sunglasses if you’re heading out during the morning so the light can enter your eye, because the known effects of light on circadian rhythms are mediated by the retina.

Enjoy a colour meditation walk: Head out into any environment – urban or natural – and set the intention to notice different hues. Robins, kingfishers, brilliant red berries and moss that appears luminous in the sunlight are among my favourite finds. But don’t limit yourself to nature: many a heart-warming moment has come from colourful dog coats. Seek out architecture, vibrant front doors, unique clothing designs, bright wellies and rosy cheeks.

Savour a sunrise or sunset: Sometimes you get the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky at the same time. Keep an eye on the weather forecast for clear conditions and seek out the beautiful light shows unique to this time of year.